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Chronic kidney Disease 

In September 2011, the United Nations added chronic kidney disease (CKD)to the list of chronic illnesses that contribute to premature loss of life, financial hardship, loss of productivity, and poverty  (USRDS, 2012 Annual Report).  Among diseases such as cancer, heart disease, diabetes and chronic lung disease, CKD has developed a reputation as another condition that costs our health care system enormous amounts of revenues to treat.  


The aforementioned ESRDS Report also states that reductions in caloric intake,salt, tobacco and alcohol, along with a more active lifestyle can have tremendously positive effects, even among those already afflicted with the disease.

Since diabetes and high blood pressure are the major risk factors for CKD, the most reasonable course of action would be to prevent or control each.  Both diabetes and high blood pressure are known to be diet related diseases, therefore by closely monitoring and altering one's diet, these conditions can be avoided and controlled.  Even those who have had to begin medication for high blood pressure and/or diabetes, with determination and diligence, can have their medications reduced and eliminated.

Although heredity may play a role in determining who will get diabetes or high blood pressure, most often it is because one is consuming the same foods, engaging in the same behaviors, and participating in similar lifestyles as relatives who may have the diseases.  We find that when these behaviors are changed and family members participate in healthy lifestyle behaviors, the severity of these conditions are reduced, and sometimes the conditions are eliminated.


There are normally no symptoms when a person develops Stage 1 or Stage 2 CKD.  Ordinarily, it is discovered when one is tested for other conditions, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, or urinary problems.  Stage 3 is known as End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD), and a renal specialist will determine the filtration rate of one's kidneys.  

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